Why is fortnite so popular?

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    Fortnite has become the favorite video game for gamers who want to play Player-vs-player (PVP) battles and have fun even if they dye and dye thousand times, and this happens because Fortnite has many attractive characteristics. Fortnite is a free-to-play game, so it can be played by more people because many young gamers do not have too much money to waste in a video game. Also, Fortnite uses a new formula for having battles PvP, and it is using a battle royal in which there are one hundred players trying to be the last person standing on the battlefield. For that, players want to win the battle, but if they cannot win, they can try one more time so that playing Fortnite is not boring at all. Finally, something essential that a video game needs is to care about their player because they are constantly asking for new weapons, skins, maps and more, and EPIC GAMES, the owner of Fortnite, does or try to do everything their players ask for. many things make a good video game, so companies have to work on each characteristic to make the best video game ever.

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